We are a brotherhood of Catholic men who enjoy improving the world around us, one community at a time, including the St. Cecilia Community.
We seek to transform the lives of Catholic men, including yours. Today, the Knights of Columbus is a worldwide organization of over 1.8 million Catholic men. Of course, Texas leads the nation with over 100,000 members. Our roster includes numerous Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests, but just as important is each one of the one hundred Knights at St. Cecilia, who serve our community.
In addition to our global contribution, we serve our St. Cecilia Community and have fun doing
it! At St. Cecilia's, our most visible activity is our fish fries each Friday during Lent. Our Lenten fish fries are not about the fish. Our fish fries are not even about the money raised that enable us to sponsor three seminarians at St. Mary's Seminary. Our fish fries are about building our community. They meet people in our St. Cecilia faith community that they would not otherwise know.
We respond to the needs of our community in other ways as well. When we noticed the large deck on the Church grounds had become worn and deteriorated, we secured the materials and supplied the labor to replace it. When the Evangelization Committee brings nationally known speakers to our community, or late after each Easter Vigil Mass, we respond, bringing food, drinks, and labor for the receptions. When holiday hassles became too stressful, we responded with a spaghetti dinner and a reminder to keep "Christ in Christmas." We host family activities such as Astros games, movies nights and camp-outs. We also organize blood drives. We assist the Vocation Committee and respond to numerous other calls. These are just a few of the things we do.
If you want to help those in need, serve your parish, and grow in your faith, then the Knights of Columbus is for you. If you want to support programs that benefit people with disabilities, aid victims of natural disasters, or save lives through initiatives such as the "Ultrasound Program," then the Knights of Columbus is for you. On the other hand, if you want to just have a beer, shoot some pool, play some cards and enjoy the camaraderie of a "band of brothers", then the Knights of Columbus is also for you.
Greg Reinkemeyer