Year 2 Sacrament Prep parents: to turn in baptismal certificate and/ or payment, please click
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Sacrament preparation is a wonderful and special time. The community of St. Cecilia is blessed to partner with parents and guide them through this process. The primary educators in the faith of their children, including Sacraments, are the parents. We expect that children attend Mass on Sundays with their families and fulfill the requirements from the Archdiocese and the parish.
Sacramental Preparation is a two year process. Children must have attended either a parish faith formation program or Catholic School one year prior to the year of celebrating the Sacraments. During the second year, children must attend either a parish faith formation program or Catholic school and attend special programs or retreats. We will extend an invitation to parents of children in their second year of faith formation to attend a parent meeting, where they will receive the materials for preparation. Sacrament preparation is separate and distinct from parish faith formation and Catholic school religion class.
First Reconciliation Parents' Meeting is celebrated in the month of September with the celebration in December.
First Eucharist Parents' Meeting is celebrated in the month of February. First Sacraments celebrations are in the month of April and/or May.
Sacrament preparation material we use is Signs of Grace, You Are Forgiven (for Reconciliation) and You Are Loved (for First Eucharist) from Augustine Institute.