This secure program works directly with your bank, credit, or debit card in the same way as other electronic funds transfer payments you may already conduct (such as utility bills or your mortgage payment). All transactions are processed electronically, debiting your bank account or charging your credit\debit card automatically for the amounts you designate.
Can any additional funds be taken from my account other than what I have authorized?
No! Faith Direct processes only the amount you designate for our church, and only you can change the amount of money that may be processed on a monthly basis. Faith Direct sends an email each month with the details of your upcoming donations so there will be no surprises!
When will my account(s) be debited?
When you enroll in the Faith Direct program you can choose to have your monthly donations processed on the 4th, 15th, or both 4th and 15th. Your donations will be processed in one transaction for the total offertory, campaign and/or second collection donation amounts you have designated. The church will receive your donations within five business days.
Can I stop, increase or decrease my payment at any time?
Yes, you can make changes to your account anytime by accessing your account online, by contacting our customer service team at 866.507.8757, by sending Faith Direct an email or even by chatting with a customer service representative online. There is no minimum donation amount, or financial penalty if you cancel.
I would feel uncomfortable not being able to participate in the collection using an envelope or check. What should I do?
Faith Direct provides offertory cards to be used during the collection as a visible sign of your electronic donations. These cards are personalized with your name, church id number, and church. These cards indicate your name and the name of your church. You will receive a packet of cards approximately two weeks after we receive your enrollment, and again each year on the anniversary of your enrollment. If you run out of offertory cards, you can request more at any time or print
them here.