Join us for a Lenten tradition at St. Cecilia's Community Center, our annual Friday night Fish Fry! Meal options include: Fried Shrimp, Fried Fish or Baked Fish, Fries, Hushpuppies, Coleslaw & Mac n’ Cheese (Kids). Tea, Lemonade, Coffee, and Dessert also available.
Our annual Penance Service for Lent will be on Tuesday, April 1, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. There will be a number of priests on hand to hear individual confessions. You must be in line by 8:15 pm.
Confessions are also heard on Saturday afternoons, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, or by appointment.
The Parish & our School 7th Graders are hosting an Anointing Mass for those who need prayers for healing. A reception will follow the Mass in the Community Center hosted by the 7th Graders and their parents.
If you wish to be anointed on that day, RSVP by clicking on the title or to Ketzia Ramirez at 713-465-3414 Ext. 123 or
Cub Scout Pack 673 is selling pork ribs to raise funds to support our program! Our annual rib cook is a time-honored tradition at St. Cecilia. Please consider purchasing our delicious pork ribs for yourself or to share with your family and friends.
If you don’t know where to go this Valentine’s Day, why not go where the music is swinging, the food and wine are great and there’s entertainment galore. Come to the Puttin on the Ritz party on February 8 at 6 pm at the St. Cecilia Community Center.
Join us on Sunday, January 19 from 8:30 am - 2:30 pm in the Community Center. All donors will receive a FREE "Lifesaver" Long Sleeve! Click here for appointments and use sponsor code 0095.
Registration is Open. Are you a baptized Catholic who needs to complete your Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist and Confirmation)? Register in person at the Parish Office or make an appointment with Cludia Somerville by calling (713) 465-3414 Ext 125 or email Formation begins this February.
ACTS ministries are hosting a breakfast taco and lunch plate sale on January 26 after the 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and 12 p.m. masses to support ACTS retreats.
Families who would like to join St. Cecilia Catholic Church should attend the Welcoming Meetings on the first Sunday of each month after the 10 am Mass in the Community Center. You do not have to RSVP. Contact Tonia Candelario for more information at (713) 465-3414 or
Start the New Year on a prayerful note by taking a home blessing kit with you on Epiphany Sunday! Your kit contains two blessings: the Epiphany Chalking of the Door Blessing, which is done with Blessed Chalk, and a Standard Home Blessing, which is done with Holy Water. You can pick up your home blessing kit in the Church Narthex on Sunday, January 5th.
Please join us on Monday, December 30, at 6:30 pm in the Church for a special Christmas Rosary of the Joyful Mysteries, with cantor and soloist Kathy Walsh Montgomery. Kathy has been one of our cantors for many years, but you may not know that she recently retired after spending over 20 years as a member of the Houston Grand Opera. Kathy and her special guests will lead us through the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, with a special musical offering between each decade. This is a beautiful way to continue the celebration of Christmas, and we hope to see you here.
Coming in January a new Bible Study, Christ Revealed in the Old Testament Behold your King. Join us on Wednesday 6:45 - 8:15 pm in the Community Center Room 204.
We invite you to sponsor a needy family living in our area by going to a special Sharing Sunday section on the St. Cecilia website.
Simply pick a family, and with a credit card, make a donation on their behalf. Vincentians will then take your donation, purchase gift cards for that amount, and make sure that the cards get to your adopted family.
The website will remain live for one week or until all the families are picked, closing on Friday, Dec. 6th.
Additionally, there will be a second collection during the December 7th and 8th Masses for the Sharing Sunday program.
Join us for a wonderful day of "hands-on" activities for adults and children of all ages! Travel back in time and experience A Walk in Bethlehem where you will experience a market from Jesus' time including, The Bakery, The Jeweler , the Potter's Place, the Perfumery and Incense Store and the Carpenter's Shop. ADVENTure features engaging short presentations to prepare families for the beautiful season of Advent. Learn about the significance of the Jesse Tree and the Advent Wreath and make simple Advent themed crafts! Admission is FREE. Registration is required.
Let's come together as a community to celebrate the Feast of St. Cecilia! The celebration, hosted by the ladies of the St. Cecilia Women's Club, will be held in the Community Center following a 6:30 p.m. Vespers Service on Thursday, November 21st. We hope you can join us and consider bringing a savory or sweet item to share with the community. Please drop off your item in the Community Center kitchen by 6:30 p.m., pre-warmed (if needed) and in a disposable container. Click on the title to sign up.
This weekend of October 26th & 27th we will hand out bags after every Mass. On the weekend of November 16th & 17th please return your bag filled with the requested items and we will transport them to the East Spring Branch Food Pantry. They will be combined with turkeys and produce to provide for families in need for pick up the following week. YOU CAN HELP!
Friday, November 1 is All Saints Day. This is a holy day of obligation. Mass will be celebrated at 8:15 am, 12:15 pm & 5:30 pm in English. Mass in Spanish at 7:00 pm. Saturday, November 2nd is All Souls Day. This is not a holy day of obligation. Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 am in the Church, with a reception to follow.