The Annual St. Cecilia Knights of Columbus Wine Dinner is February 8th, 2025. The event is the biggest fundraiser for the Knights, which helps provide funding for the year. The funds go to help the Seminarians, St Cecilia Catholic Community, St. Cecilia Catholic School, Mamie George Food Fund, Retired Priest Fund, Houston Coalition for Life, Gabriel Project, East Spring Branch Food Pantry, Memorial Assistance Ministries, Order of Malta and many others. Last year was the biggest year to date for the Knights; raising over $51K! This year we hope to do more. We created Amazon Wish Lists for our Silent Auction and need your help, so please take a look and see where you can help make our Silent Auction the best to date. Additionally, If you have your own business, can offer an experience, or can donate an item that could go towards any of our Wish List baskets, we would greatly appreciate it.