Almost three years ago, on February 28, 2020, Cardinal DiNardo made the decision to suspend reception of the Precious Blood from the chalice for the faithful at Mass due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Late last year, the Cardinal sent a letter to the priests of the Archdiocese informing that the suspension will be lifted on January 8, 2023, and parishes may once again resume this practice.
At St. Cecilia, we will resume distribution of the Precious Blood to the faithful on Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023. This will allow us time not only to refresh the training for existing Ministers of Holy Communion and conduct training for those who became ministers during the pandemic, but also to recruit and train new ministers, since offering the reception of the Precious Blood requires additional ministers at each Mass.
If you are interested in being trained and serving as an Extra-ordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Mass, please visit to learn more about the requirements for this ministry, as well as register for a training session.