Dear friends in Christ,
As Catholics, we are called through Jesus Christ to be in communion with one another. In this world dominated by isolation and individualism, we are meant to come together as a People of Faith to live out the Gospel message both near and far. We answer this call because, as St. Paul reminds us in his Letter to the Romans, We are the Lord’s!
The Diocesan Services Fund allows you, the Faithful, to enable the 64 ministries of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston that are done in your name. These ministries, which no one parish can accomplish on its own, are meant to bring Christ to those in our midst.
You allow the forgotten to be remembered; the hungry to be fed; the sick, the incarcerated, and the itinerant to be ministered to. You provide the means to educate our youth, to prepare and form new Catholics, to keep the spiritual nourishment of the Sacraments available, and to form good and holy families. You help us to defend life, promote vocations, prepare our seminarians, and care for our elderly and sick clergy.
I invite you to join me in supporting DSF and helping this local Church continue to live out our Faith. Be assured of my prayers for God’s abundant blessings on you and your loved ones.
How is my contribution to the Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) spent?
The Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) helps all of us fulfill Christ’s mission here on earth by supporting those programs and services that cannot be accomplished by one parish alone. More than 60 programs receive all or part of their funding from DSF and all funds are spent within Archdiocesan boundaries. The broad areas of ministry that receive DSF support include: Catholic education of children and adults; pastoral ministries for the sick, the poor and the incarcerated; the formation and education of church leadership; social service programs such as San José Clinic, St. Dominic Village and Catholic Charities. These ministries are listed in Section 1, Ministries in Action. Read more...