It is a three day and three night Catholic lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. The retreat begins on Thursday evening and ends the following Sunday at a Mass celebrated with the parish community. Retreats for men and retreats for women are given separately. Talks and activities during the retreat focus on Adoration, Community, Theology and Service, from which the ACTS program acronym is derived. Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are the guides for the retreats. The retreat takes on the traditions and atmosphere of the parish community sponsoring it. The retreat facilitates the attainment of a new or deeper relationship with the Lord through:
Adoration – the call by, acceptance of, and response to God,
Community – the love and caring of each other,
Theology – the study of God through scripture and the Catholic Faith,
Service – to God and his people.
Es un retior de Catolicos laicos de tres dias y tres noches presentado por compañeros feligreses. El retiro empieza el Jueves por la noche y termina el siguiente Domingo en un Misa celebrada con la comunidad parroquial. Retiros para hombres y retiros para mujeres son ofrecidos separados. Las platicas y actividades durante el retior se enfocan en la Adoracion, Comunidad, Teologia y Servicio, de donde se deriva el acronimo de programa de ACTS. El retiro facilita el obtener una nueva o mas profunda relacion con el Señor atraves de:
Adoracion - el llamado de, acceptacion de, y respuesta a Dios,
Comunidad - el amor y cuidado de cada uno
Teologia - el estudio de Dios a traves de las escrituras y la fe Catolica
Servicio - a Dios y su pueblo.
English Men's - June 5-9, 2025
Spanish Men's - August 21-24, 2025
Spanish Women's - November 6-9, 2015