Join us for a Lenten tradition at St. Cecilia's Community Center, our annual Friday night Fish Fry! Meal options include: Fried Shrimp, Fried Fish or Baked Fish, Fries, Hushpuppies, Coleslaw & Mac n’ Cheese (Kids). Tea, Lemonade, Coffee, and Dessert also available.
Our annual Penance Service for Lent will be on Tuesday, April 1, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. There will be a number of priests on hand to hear individual confessions. You must be in line by 8:15 pm.
Confessions are also heard on Saturday afternoons, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, or by appointment.
As a reminder from the Office of Child and Youth Protection, the Archdiocesan Safe Environment compliance training and renewal training is a condition of employment and for volunteer ministry in the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston. All clergy, employees, contracted school personnel, volunteers, members of groups, movements, and organizations over the age of 18, who work, volunteer, or participate in any capacity are required to complete the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Training and a criminal background check before they may begin employment or volunteer activities.
In addition, the mandatory renewal training must be completed every five years and a new background check submitted before the five-year expiration of prior training. Read the full policies here in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.